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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Wednesday, July 1st 2015- Buchanan to Breeden's Bottom

RVA paddle sports giving a lesson on safety procedures
                Today we woke up in the town of Buchanan on the property Mr. Lewis and his family allowed us to stay on. We had a good breakfast of pancakes which Ryan and Eleanor made. After that we got our kayaks, paddles, and helmets and fitted them to our sizes. We learned how to properly paddle in a kayak and what to do if we flip over with a skirt on the kayak. We all practiced it then got in the water. It took some getting used to, but everyone started to do well. Towards the end, there was a rapid and a lot of us flipped. Throughout the whole day only Charlie and Eleanor didn’t flip. We all had a lot of fun in the kayaks and through the rapids.
Our team learning how to handle a kayak
Our team and RVA Paddle Sports making their way down the river
               During the end of the trek down the river, the kayaks caught an eddie except for one, the kayaker that missed the first eddie floated down stream until he caught an eddie further down the water and rested till the others made it to him. After few minutes more of the kayakers made further down, two kayakers got caught in a side stream and were flipped. One of the canoes that was to the side saw the commotion they went straight for the two kayaks that flipped and had to pull them to shore while one of the leaders assessed the kayakers who were flipped.
Hannah, Josh, Brett, and Patrick hanging out 
Sophia, Ryan, Miles, and Charlie having a blast
Our group finishing up their trip for the day

When we got back to camp we all were beat. Some slept after we set up camp, nut most played cards and ladder ball. After chilling out for a while, Ryan, Eleanor, and Josh made some chili and we all chowed down on it. We had some scares but overall we had a great day.

Miles and Kellen!

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