4th Day of the Expedition
We started
off the morning early and rushed into the day, so sadly, we didn’t get to use
all of the pancake mix. The owner – Mr. John Seible – and his family of Oxbow
Farm arrived bright and early. We then circled up and shared our thoughts on
preservation and conservation. We took a hayride to tour the farm and learned
about the many sustainable techniques that Mr. Seible uses to manage his farm
with explanations also provided by the Mountain Castle Soil and Water
Conservation District, and the Virginia Natural Resource Conservation Service.
After the tour, we loaded up the canoes, added Rob Campbell (JRA’s Upper James
Outreach Coordinator) to the group, and began our journey to Buchanan.

after lunch, we approached many rapids. Eventually, Claire and Autumn found
themselves stuck between two rocks within a rapid. After about 40 minutes, the
girls freed themselves from the bed of rocks only to find they were heading
towards another rapid not two minutes after.
Once Claire and Autumn had entered the rapid, they had gotten trapped
between two rocks once again. After another 20 minutes, the canoe began to tip
and it eventually rolled over.
and Autumn had gotten back onto the boat, escaping with only minor injuries,
and continued their journey to Buchanan with the help of the rest of the group.
Once we had
finally reached Buchanan, we met up with Mr. Jimmy Lewis and set up camp in his
backyard. Shortly after pitching tents, the group met up with Twin River
Outfitters to go tubing on the river. Harrison, Claire, Mason, Connor, Autumn,
Nick, Hugo and Parker linked their inner tubes in a circle and headed
downriver. Unfortunately in the process, Parker fell in the water and lost his
sunglasses. Sonja spun her way down the river and bobbed in and out of the tube
and Alex had created his own pool in his (not having a hole in the center like
most of the other tubes). All in all, it was a peaceful ride. We ended the day
with pesto pasta, showers, and a team talk by one of Jimmy’s infamous bonfires.
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